From Monday the 16th October the new 3FM Autumn Schedule begins:
Monday - Thursday
05:00 3FM Early Breakfast - Ron Berry
07:00 3FM Breakfast - Tony James
10:00 3FM Daytime - Jason Quinn
13:00 3FM's Non-Stop Lunch
14:00 3FM Time Tunnel - Matt Fletcher
15:00 3FM Afternoons - Matt Fletcher
18:00 3FM's More Music Hour
19:00 3FM Evening - George Ferguson
22:00 3FM's Late Night Love Songs
02:00 3FM Overnight
05:00 3FM Early Breakfast - Ron Berry
07:00 3FM Breakfast - Tony James
10:00 3FM Daytime - Jason Quinn
13:00 3FM's Non-Stop Lunch
14:00 3FM Time Tunnel - Matt Fletcher
15:00 3FM Afternoons - Matt Fletcher
18:00 3FM's More Music Hour
19:00 3FM's Club Classics
02:00 3FM Overnight
08:00 3FM's Feelgood Weekend - Tony James
12:00 3FM's Feelgood Weekend - Matt Fletcher
16:00 3FM's Feelgood Weekend - Jono Evans
19:00 3FM's Club Classics
02:00 3FM Overnight
08:00 3FM's Feelgood Weekend - Chris Hedley
12:00 3FM's Feelgood Weekend - Jono Evans
16:00 3FM's Classic Tracks - Ron Berry
19:00 3FM's Feelgood 80's
22:00 3FM's Late Night Love Songs
02:00 3FM Overnight