Nickname: Precious
Star Sign: Cancer
Hobbies: Buying Gym equipment to hang clothes off
Previous Horrible Jobs: I did a long spell at Hogwarts...
Big Break: Tyra Banks spotted me for "America's Next Top Model"...sadly due to being Manx I was disqualified....sad face
Most Annoying Habit: Impromptu Singing/dancing
Most Likely To Say: Do you want to see my party trick
Least Likely To Say: Noooo....I hate cocktails
Favourite TV Show: The Walking Dead / Game of Thrones / American Horror Story / Loose Women
Favourite Food: Chinese
Embarrassing Moment: When I upset a certain "group" of people and they turned up at my workplace to beat the hell out of me....still don't know how I managed to convince them I was someone else!
Most Memorable Moment: Getting Married / Shaking The Rock's hand at Wrestlemania 28
Who's Your Hero: Alf from Home & Away
How Would You Like To Be Remembered: A Nice Billionaire
Best Chat-up Line: 'I don’t know if you know this but I’m kind of a big deal' - usually gets a laugh swiftly followed by a low kick.
What Animal Do You Most Resemble: Stallion
Give 5 Words That Most Describes You: Sarcastic, Witty, Vain, National Treasure
Worst place been caught short: It's a small world - Disneyworld
Celebrity you most look like: Fabio
If I was invisible for a day, I would: Be Invisible...
I never want to meet: James Corden...again