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Relationships & Sex Education curriculum paused 'indefinitely', while review is undertaken

A Relationships and Sex Education curriculum local schools has been 'paused indefinitely.' 

That's according to Education Minister Julie Edge, who was quizzed on the subject in the House of Keys this morning.

It comes following concerns from some parents about certain content being taught in RSE classes, which has sparked an independent review, with all classes being paused in the meantime. 

One parent has launched a petition, which says the curriculum has resulted in the 'breakdown of trust' between parents/carers in creating a safe learning environment. 

More than 600 people have signed it so far.

It also calls for an 'immediate investigation into the alleged actions of teachers delivering the age inappropriate material to children.' 

In the House of Keys this morning, Miss Edge confirmed a review into the curriculum, will be published 'as quickly as possible' - however she didn't give a specific time frame. 

It was also asked that the public avoid speculation until the facts have been confirmed:

3FM contacted the Department of Education, Sport and Culture for a comment and were provided with the following:

"The Department is aware of the concerns being raised around the RSE Advisory Curriculum currently being delivered within secondary schools and as such, have initiated an independent review.

The safeguarding and wellbeing of all of our students is of paramount importance in all decisions, and therefore the Department has taken the decision to pause all RSE delivery across both primary and secondary schools.

The Department is also aware of a video, which is currently in circulation via social media, and are concerned at a number of the claims being raised within that video. However, the Department would like to clarify that the document referred to and included within that video, is a document from a third party organisation and forms no part of the curriculum, which has been delivered within our primary or secondary schools.

Whilst recognising the concerns being raised, the Department will be unable to comment any further until the independent review has been undertaken, to ascertain the facts and produce a report in due course, which will contain the next steps and any appropriate action."

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